PODCAST: High Diplomacy feat. Dr Brian Walker

The Legalise Cannabis Party leader talks AUKUS, psychedelics, and the WA state election.

PODCAST: High Diplomacy feat. Dr Brian Walker

Dr Brian Walker MLC is the leader of WA's Legalise Cannabis Party and a practicing GP.

He's up for reelection this weekend – and hoping his party will pick up more Upper House seats.

Dr Walker joined us at Last Place on Earth HQ to discuss:

  • Arguments for freeing the leaf from health and economic perspectives.
  • Whether or not we should be worried about Chinese warships off the coast.
  • Psychedelics and spirituality.
  • The mainstream media's resistance to covering minor parties.

So fix yourself a cone or a cup of tea (depending on your persuasion) and settle in for the ride as Dr Walker takes The Last Place on Earth to new dimensions.

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Here's that Adam Morton story from The Guardian on the gas industry in WA:

Western Australia has one story about the gas industry. It won’t accept dissent from ‘over east’
Saturday’s state election is unlikely to unseat Labor premier Roger Cook but, with both major parties supporting gas expansion, WA’s record threatens any national progress on emissions